Sunday, January 30, 2011


SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 - "Why Pink?" So alot of people have been stopping me at the shops, on the streets, coming up to me in the bars, and they all ask me ONE QUESTION..."Why Pink"?
Well Rebels, I guess it's time I explain myself...
Just before graduation, I was watching all the JEM cartoons on YouTube and thinking... "Man! I love her hair!" While wondering if anyone was making 80's cartoons on Blu-Ray yet, I told myself, "Burg, after graduation, let's dye our hair like JEM!" :)
Shortly after that I ran into some great photos in my inspiration folder.Valentino's Spring/Summer 2010 campaign! MY GAWD! His juxtaposition of couture and colored hair was so inspired.
It was then that I realized,"Wow, crazy color hair is back" but it's being done in a whole new way.
Think subtle... Unkept color but... Refined.
No more bold chunks of purple, or full heads of pillar box red. Today's high fashion shades reflect the aftermath of too many hair washes or the tails of our old
My Little Pony Dolls.
Also, roots... usually a sign that you've waited to long to maintain your mane, are now a sure fire way to update the Colored Hair look. Whether its 2 weeks old...
or 2 Years...
a healthy dose of, "I'm not going to the salon today" will keep your look fresh and your wallet full.... I'm guess this style will be stickin' around for a while...
Now seriously... Does any one know if JEM is being made available on Blu-Ray yet? Cuz if it is, that would be "Truly, Truly Truly Outrageous!"I mean, c'mon...They just don't make cartoons like they used to. ;)

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